In excess of 100,000 pilots in over 90 Member Associations around the world are currently in IFALPA Membership.

Pilot Associations join IFALPA to become part of a world wide pilots federation because it has a voice at all of the world's major aviation forums. They participate in the specialist IFALPA Committees to contribute, learn and understand different aspects of aviation, to help formulate policies and positions.The Federation also works and interacts with other international organisations to exchange views and share problems.

IFALPA expects its Member Associations to use their utmost endeavours to represent all airline pilot groups in their country in a single national organisation and to appoint an «IFALPA Director» as the main point of contact with IFALPA. Member Associations are expected to become as active as possible in IFALPA activities, especially meetings and Conferences.

Any pilots Association wishing to apply for membership has to satisfy the federation that it can meet the relevant criteria. Applications can only be considered at an Annual Conference, when all existing Member Associtaions have the opportunity to examine the information submitted by each applicant.

Any Association representing air line pilots whose constitution aligns with that of the Federation is eligible to join. IFALPA currently allows only one Association per country to join. If there are a number of different pilot associations in any one country the formation of an overall "national association" for the purposes of joining the Federation is one solution which can be considered. IFALPA can assist and provide suitable draft agreements for the formation of national associations.

The key stages for a new pilot association wishing to join the Federation are the submission of

  • a completed Membership Application Form.
  • a background Questionnaire.
  • a copy of the Association's Constitution.
  • Letters of Sponsorship from two existing Member Associations.
  • a payment for the first year Subscription and Affiliation Fee.
  • Once accepted into membership the new Member Association will sign a Covenant of the Federation and will then be granted a Charter of Affiliation.

Member Associations agree

  • to strive to uphold the honour and dignity of their members.
  • to co-operate with each other in all that affects their common interests.
  • to respect each other's jurisdictional limits in relation to territory and membership.
  • to use their utmost endeavours to represent by means of a single national body all air line pilot groups in their territories.
  • to exchange pertinent information on matters of common interest.
  • to respect the constitutional machinery for the settling of such differences as may arise between Member Associations and to abide by the decisions reached.
  • to speak without fear or favour in the exposure of any person or Association guilty of any action detrimental to the best interests of air line pilots, or of any Member Association or of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations.
  • not to allow considerations of politics, race, colour or creed to influence the free and fair determination of questions which come before them for decisions.


  IFALPA Safety Bulletins